1. The classes of employees, terms of employment, remuneration or method of remuneration disqualifying a person from participation in the plan are:(1) a person paid in fees or paid by the act;
(2) a person hired to perform duties as a student or coopérant;
(3) a person hired to perform duties directly related to his training program in a college as student-employee;
(4) a person hired under contract as an independent worker under the terms of whose contract no deduction at source is made;
(5) an intern or resident (physician);
(6) a person hired to perform a duty as a trainee, that is a person who, under the guidance of a college, university or professional corporation, is required to complete a training period or clinic to obtain his final degree, except a person belonging to an employment group that provides for a class of trainees; and
(7) a postdoctoral trainee who works in a research centre within the meaning of section 6.2 of the Act.